Monday, June 30, 2008

Date laddoo

Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes
To serve 8-10

Dates (deseeded)- 500gm,chopped
Milkmaid - 1 tin
Ghee(Clarified butter)- 2 tb sp
Water - 1/2 cup
Maida(all purpose flour)- 2 tb sp
Desiccated coconut powder


1) In a thick bottomed non stick pan,heat the ghee,add maida and fry for a minute. Add the water,mix well and bring to a boil.

2) Add the dates and milkmaid, mix well and cook the mixture with constant stirring till it becomes thick and starts leaving the sides of the pan.

3) Remove from fire. Cool and roll into small laddoos. Roll in desiccated coconut powder and serve.


  1. Ramya,

    My first time to your site..You have a lovely collection of recipes..I was looking for a quick laddu recipe and this sounds perfect..

