Monday, July 21, 2008

Making Paneer- Indian cheese

I tried making this paneer for the first time and it turned out great!
The recipe goes like this..

1 litre Milk
11/2tsp vinegar or 1/2tsp lemon juice or citric acid( i used lemon juice)

Boil the milk in a pan.

When it's boiling add lemon juice which is dissolved in 2 tbsp of water.

When milk curdles full turn off the gas and keep aside for 5 minutes.

Pour it on to a cotton/muslin cloth and squeeze the excess water.

When all the water is drained from the paneer place the cloth on a vessel which is turned upside down and place another vessel on top of the cloth. Pour water into the upper vessel so that there is extra weight on the cloth. keep this for an hour.

Note: Do not throw away the leftover water as it can be used for kneading chapati or paratha dough

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ramya,
    Your paneer looks so perfect like store bought. Mine homemade paneer never turned up so always turns into crumby and never holds the shape. I amazed that ur paneer turned so good.
    You presented neat and step by step instructions and will follow next time.
    Thanks for sharing. BTW, ur blog is very nice. :)
