Friday, August 1, 2008

Chocolate Souffle

Serves - 10-12
Milkmaid 1 tin
Cocoa powder 3-4 Tbsp
Chocolate 50gm (made into small pieces and for decorating)
Walnuts 50gm(chopped)
Gelatine 2 1/2 Tbsp
Milk 2 cups
Cream 1 1/3 cup

Dissolve gelatine in 1/2 cup water over a pan of hot water( i.e., using a double boiler)

Add cocoa to 1 cup milk. Heat over a pan of hot water(again using a double boiler) and make a smooth paste.

Add dissolved gelatine, cocoa paste, rest of milk, chopped walnuts and chocolate pieces to Milkmaid. Mix well.

Whisk cream till stiff. Fold into the Milkmaid mixture.

Pour the mixture into a souffle dish or any other ceramic dish and chill.

Serve decorated with stiffy beaten cream and chocolate. Enjoy!!

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