Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kodbale - Spicy Carom Flavored Rings

Kodubale is one of the popular snacks in South India. "KODU" means Horn (like that of a cow) and "BALE" means Bangle. These are named based on their shape. These kodubales are crunchy, hot and tasty. This recipe is slightly different from most of the other kodubale recipes, as i use fine semolina here instead of rice flour which is most commonly used. I suggest you use the finest quality of semolina here. They give a wonderful taste and the initial stage where you grind the coconut, dalia, carom and cumin seeds itself will give you the aroma of the final product.


2 cups fine semolina
1/4 cup desiccated coconut or dry coconut, grated
1/4 cup kadale or Dalia
1/4 tsp asafoetida or hing
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp carom seeds
1/4 tsp jeera
2 1/2 tbsps chilli powder (can reduce according to your preference)
1/4 cup hot oil + oil for deep frying (preferably sunflower oil)


Grind together the coconut, dalia, asafoetida, carom seeds and jeera to form a smooth powder.

Combine the ground powder, fine semolina and hot oil and mix well. Add chilli
powder, salt and combine well. Now add enough water to make a soft dough.

Take about a teaspoon of the dough and roll it on a wooden board with your fingers to form a thin long cylinder, about 4 inches long and thickness of about your little finger. Slowly turn around both the ends together and join them to form a circle (like a bangle) with your thumb and fore finger. Do the same with the remaining dough.

Heat oil on a low to medium heat. Do not over heat the oil or the kodubales would turn raw from inside. Deep fry these roundels of dough. You can add 5 to 10 roundels together depending on the pan you are using. Fry them for 5 to 10 minutes each batch till they turn slightly reddish brown.
Let them cool to take a bite to see if the the kodbales have fried well and they are crispy from in to out.

Enjoy these spicy, crunchy kodbales as an evening snack with a hot cup of coffee.


  1. Feel like munching some..crispy kodbale looks fabulous..

  2. Very inviting clicks. Looks so yummy..

  3. Hi, I want to share Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award with you. Please check out http://indugetscooking.blogspot.com/2011/03/ive-got-award.html to find out how to take up the award. Thanks,

  4. WOW! looks so crisp and yummy... been searching for a good recipe and thats how i came to your blog. thanks a lot, will definitely try and let you know how it came :)

  5. WOW! looks so crisp and yummy... been searching for a good recipe and thats how i came to your blog. thanks a lot, will definitely try and let you know how it came :)

  6. Thanks for the wonderful recipe, Ramya. I tried it out yesterday and the Kodubales have turned out perfectly crunchy and taste amazing. Enjoying them a lot.
