Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Apple Marzipan Galette

This one's for the marzipan(sweetened almond paste) lovers. The recipe for the galette dough is adapted from Dorie Greenspans "Baking with Julia". The presence of Cornmeal in the dough is one of the ingredient which gives a wonderful crunchy feel and makes the dough easy to work with. Apples are one of my favourite and it when paired with almonds give a heavenly feeling. This galette is worth any special occasion.

This post is my contribution to Sugar High Friday - Fruit & Nut, an event hosted by Mansi of Fun & Food Blog.

This recipe is partially adapted from myrecipes.com.


1 Recipe Galette dough
1/4 cup marzipan, softened
4 medium sized apples. sliced
1/2 cup sugar
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon almond extract
2 teaspoons lemon juice
Dash of salt
1/4 cup Sliced almonds, some to drizzle on top

Preheat oven to 425°F (220° C) .

Roll the galette dough to a 14-inch circle on a lightly floured surface. Place dough on prepared pan. Roll marzipan to a 9-inch circle on a lightly floured surface. Place marzipan on top of dough.

Combine apple, sugar, flour, almond extract, sliced almonds, lemon juice, and salt in a large bowl; toss well. Spoon apple mixture over marzipan. Fold 2-inch dough border over the apple mixture, pressing gently to seal (dough will only partially cover apple mixture). Drizzle sliced almonds on top and bake at 425°F (220°C) for 30 minutes or until lightly browned. (apple filling may leak slightly during cooking).

Have a great week!


Finla said...

I am so so going to bokmark this and make them in September.
Looks beautiful and so so delicous.

Parita said...

Looks tempting, never made this at home, should try once, thanks for sharing!

Priya Suresh said...

WOwow wat a delicious galette, looks scrumptious!

Sonia said...

Hi Ramya, this Galette looks so enticing. just a quick que: Where I can find Marzipan?
Thanks for sharing.

Fearless Kitchen said...

Oh, this looks so delicious! I'm going to have to make it this fall.... I love the use of marzipan.

Ramya Kiran said...

Happy Cook: You'll indeed love this recipe. Btw whats special in September??

Parita and Priya: I'm glad you liked it :)

Sonu: Thanks and about Marzipan, you get it in any supermarket near the baking ingredients.

Fearless kitchen : Thank you. You'll definitely love it.

Retno Prihadana said...

looks really tasty.

Unknown said...

wow, a galette with marzipan!! sounds yummy!I think its a great combo, and would work very well indeed! thanks for sharing this with SHF this month!:)

Jo said...

Delicious and lovely recipe. The addition of marzipan sounds wicked and the pictures are fantastic.

Me & More ... said...

Hey.......this is so tempting...rather than I must say Your blog is so tempting... Lovely blog Ramya... Nice to visit..

Irene said...

This is a really tempting recipe! The photo looks so good, I just want to reach out and grab a piece. With a nice pot of really hot tea... mmm.....

Jyoti said...

Looks delicious...will try it soon !

therealchiffonade said...

Wonderful recipe. Even though I am a PROFESSIONAL CHEF from New York City, I am going to try offering your apple marzipan gallete in my world-famous restaurant, The International Palette, in Colorado.

Thanks for the great idea.

Anonymous said...

THe apple galette looks just beautiful. Worthy of a special occasion, like you mentioned. I also love how your blog has such a mix of different types of foods. I was just drooling over the strawberry mousse...perfect for the season's last offerings of those particular berries.

I found you on TasteSpotting and am writing to say that if you have any photos that aren’t accepted there, I’d love to publish them. Visit my new site (below), it’s a lot of fun! I hope you will consider it.


Ramya Kiran said...

I thank you all once again. I'm glad you all liked it.

test it comm said...

I really like the sound of using marzipan in an apple galette!

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